The next HEXAG meeting will be held on Wednesday 10 July in the Auditorium in the Eastern Gateway Building at Brunel University London, Uxbridge. Our host will be Professor Tassos Karayiannis, Professor of Thermal Engineering.
The event will start at 9.15 (registration & coffee/tea), talks commencing at 10.00 and we should finish by 16.00.
The provisional agenda can be downloaded here.
Map of the campus – the Auditorium is near the Main university Entrance on Kingston Lane, to which there are buses or taxis from Uxbridge Underground Station (Metropolitan Line). See map here.
A link to hotels, including one on the Campus, is: www.booking.com/landmark/gb/brunel-university.en-gb.html
Car Parking: If it is possible to have registration details in advance, Abbie Hill Abbie.Hill@brunel.ac.uk can have visitor parking permits prepared, otherwise, attendees will need to go to the reception desk in the Eastern Gateway building and get a visitor's parking permit, (necessary for trouble-free parking).There is a large gravel car park just next to the Eastern Gateway building and also an overflow car park, so there should be plenty of space.
Registration: You can register (by 28 June please) and pay the Registration fee using the Eventbrite link below, or pay with cash or cheque on the day (see the Reply Form later):
The Registration fees for HEXAG are modest:
Industrial and Academic Delegates...…£50.00 or Euro 60 (incl. VAT)
PhD students………………............…...…….£25.00 or Euro 30 (incl. VAT)
There is a small handling charge for registering via Eventbrite (see the link above). The fee covers lunch, tea, coffee and all hand-outs, as well as attendance.
NOTE: Those attending are invited to bring any abstracts/company brochures and other handouts to promote your activities.