Members of the UK National Heat Transfer Committee Tassos Karayiannis, Francesco Coletti, Hezlin Ashraf and John Rose represented our Committee at the Heat Transfer Society Annual Dinner in London on the 22nd of March 2024.
Professor Tassos Karayiannis, the Chairman of the UK National Heat Transfer Committee and Heat Transfer Society (2023), addressing the members of the UK Heat Transfer Society (HTS) at their annual dinner.
Professor Karayiannis handed over the Heat Transfer Society presidency to the new president Fred Gardner (Senior Staff Mechanical Engineer at Valero Energy Ltd.). Photo shows Fred Gardner receiving the “Presidential Balls” from Professor Karayiannis.
Dr Francesco Coletti won The Mike Ackrill Award trophy given for the best presentation at an HTS Forum in 2023 and handed the trophy to the incoming president Fred Gardner in the absence of the 2024 award winner.