The submissions to the Osborne Reynolds Oral and Poster PhD Competitions at the 17th ERCOFTAC Osborne Reynolds Day to be held at the University of Manchester on July 12th, 2019 is now open. The Osborne Reynolds Oral and Poster PhD competitions offer prestigious awards that celebrate the quality of students and graduates who have been pursuing doctoral‐level research across the broad domain of fluid mechanics including turbulence, multi‐phase, stratified and free‐surface flows, convective transport processes, combustion and acoustics. Entries are welcome from schools of engineering, physics, mathematics or environmental sciences. PhD students or recent graduates from all UK universities are eligible to enter whether or not their host university is a member of ERCOFTAC.
How to enter the competitions
To enter the competitions a 3-page summary (abstract) should be submitted by the candidates individually and should include:
Title of the work
Name, address and affiliation, email address, telephone number
Name of supervisor(s)
List of 5 keywords characterizing the work
Popularized description of the work, explaining the main problem and the main result in a language that is understandable to the general public (max ½ page)
List of up to 5 selected publications and indication of total output volume
Scientific summary of objectives, research route, methodology, the main results and achievements, and if possible a graphical representation. Particular emphasis should be given to novelty and originality of the findings and their applicability.
Specific submission guidelines and templates are provided on the following web address https://www.mace.manchester.ac.uk/connect/events/osborne-reynolds-day/
All submissions should be sent directly to
Professor Michael Leschziner [mike.leschziner@imperial.ac.uk], Chair of Selection Panel with copies to
Dr. Imran Afgan [imran.afgan@manchester.ac.uk]
The deadline for submission of summaries is April 15th 2019 (5.00pm). All entrants are urged to make their submissions as attractive as possible as that is the principal basis for choosing the finalists. Entrants will be notified regarding the selection of finalists by 15th June, 2019.
How to register for the event Registration for the event is free via the Eventbrite portal: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/17th-osborne-reynolds-day-competition-tickets-55149255909. Please note that if you are submitting an abstract for the competitions then you do not need to register at this stage. Special registrations will open for the selected finalists after the 15th June 2019.
Further Details of the Applications Process Entrants should indicate whether they are candidates for the Oral‐Presentation Competition, the Poster Competition, or both – in order of preference (though no entrant will be selected for both competitions).
For the Oral Competition, up to six finalists will present their research. The winner will receive the Osborne Reynolds Prize of £500 with the second‐ and third‐placed finalists receiving £200 and £100, respectively. The three finalists will also be selected as the UK entrants for the Europe‐wide 2019 ERCOFTAC da Vinci Award.
For the Poster Competition, up to 25 finalists will be chosen who will prepare A0 posters that will be viewed by those attending the event during the buffet‐lunch and refreshment breaks. Those presenting the best three posters will each receive £100. All poster finalists will be required to do a 1 min poster pitch (maximum of 2 slides as per provided template, to be emailed to the event organizers well in advance) in addition to presenting their posters in person. Those chosen to present posters must attend the event in person to respond to questions.
All finalists will receive a certificate of participation in the Osborne Reynolds Day 2019.
Highlights of Osborne Reynolds Day
Two keynote speakers
Prof. Vladimir Nikora (University of Aberdeen)
Prof. Yun Xu (Imperial College London)
Six oral presentations by the finalists
Lunchtime breakout poster session
This year we will also have an invited guest lecture on the 11th July 2019 (venue/time to be confirmed later) by Prof. Kevin Anderson, “Climate’s holy trinity: how cogency, tenacity & courage could yet deliver on our Paris commitments”. The lecture is open to all and does not require any registration.
At the end‐of‐event a reception event will also be held to provide an opportunity to examine Osborne Reynolds’ artefacts, photographs, paper reviews and other correspondence.
Further enquiries can be sent to imran.afgan@manchester.ac.uk. Please note further details and registration procedures for the event (for both competitors and audience members) will be announced via the final announcement on the 1st of April 2019.