A lecture on Hybrid Modelling Approaches in Transport Phenomena: Applications in Energy & Aerospace Technologies by Professor Renato Cotta has been organised at the Institution of Mechanical Engineers (IMechE). More information are available on the IMechE website.
Thermal sciences and engineering is nowadays an established field in Brazil. Given that the first graduate engineering program in the country only dates back to early 60’s, this collaborative scientific and technological development has been significantly accelerated by modern computer simulation tools. These include hybrid numerical-analytical methodologies that have been advanced for more than thirty years within the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ). In this talk, a unified integral transforms solution methodology, known as the Generalized Integral Transform Technique (GITT), is reviewed in the computational-analytical handling of nonlinear diffusion and convection-diffusion problems, aided by symbolic-numerical computation platforms. The hybrid approach is here illustrated for problems associated with nuclear energy, space and aeronautical technologies, such as the design of ultracentrifuges for uranium enrichment, the development of thermal protection systems for atmospheric re-entry space vehicles, and analysis of anti-icing thermal control systems for aeronautical sensors and structures.
Renato Machado Cotta studied in Brazil before obtaining his Ph.D. in Mechanical & Aerospace Engineering from North Carolina State University, USA. Author of 500 papers and 9 books Renato has held numerous positions on technical boards such as President of Brazilian Association of Mechanical Engineering and Sciences (ABCM) and of the National Commission of Nuclear Energy (CNEN), the regulatory body and science promoter of nuclear energy in Brazil. He is a Professor at the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ) and Senior Counselor for the Directorate General of Nuclear and Technology Development (DGDNTM, Brazilian Navy). He is a member of the Brazilian Academy of Sciences (ABC) and the World Academy of Sciences (TWAS).